Big Bend, target for trade corridor, may become “international” park

Link to article here.

Big Bend is the target for one of Rick Perry's planned Trans Texas Corridor routes, called La Entrada de Pacifico. So it shouldn't surprise us that the idea of turning one of Texas' natural treasures over to international control is being floated anew. Connect the dots...

Should Big Bend Become an 'International Park?'
US Interior Secretary proposed the idea today, proposal dates back to the 1930s
By Jim Forsyth
Friday, March 12, 2010
WOAI Newsradio, San Antonio

US Interior Secretary Ken Salazar today suggested combining the Big Bend National Park in west Texas with  the Monumento Natural del Rio Bravo across the river in Mexico, to form the Big Bend/Rio Bravo International Park, 1200 WOAI news reports.

"The United States and Mexico are neighbors sharing a beautiful treasure," Salazar said today during a tour of the Big Bend.  "Our two nations could and should engage in an even higher level of cooperation to conserve this remarkable area and its wildlife, while providing more opportunity for visitors to enjoy it."

Actually, the idea of combining the two parks is not was discussed by Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Manuel Avila Camacho back in the 1930s.

Salazar said he has had talks with Mexican Interior Secretary Juan Rafael Elvira Quesada about the idea.

Salazar was the guest of Congressman Ciro Rodriguez, who's district includes the Big Bend.

"I'm proud to represent this area and look forward to having a dialogue with the Secretary about how best to preserve and enhance the park using stimulus funding and other resources," Rodriguez said.

Salazar said combined, the Big Bend and Rio Bravo constitute one of the largest and most important conservation areas in North America, and a combined park would help officials on both sides of the Rio Grande better address issues from water and air quality to management of wildfires.

Rio Bravo del Norte is the name for the Rio Grande used in Mexico.