TxDOT mulling reduction in truck tolls for SH 130

Link to article here.

While reducing the tolls is moving in the right direction, the bottom line is the tolls are way too expensive for most truckers (and commuters) to be able to afford them. The only reason TxDOT is having this discussion is because of the complete failure of the SH 130 tollway, that is so empty a plane landed on it during "rush hour." If they truly want to relieve congestion on I-35 they'd REMOVE THE TOLLS from SH 130 altogether! We, the Texas taxpayers, are already on the hook to bailout this SH 130 toll mess for the entire life of the debt. A recent Statesman article even noted it won't be in the black "for a generation or more." This grand, toll everything experiment is failed public policy, riddled with unsustainable debt, and rife with inexcusable fiscal irresponsibility.

Texas Department of Transportation considering reducing SH 130 toll rate for truckers

Austin Business Journal - by Jacob Dirr , ABJ Staff

Date: Friday, January 21, 2011, 5:00am CST

See Correction Below

Large trucks traveling through Austin on traffic-packed I-35 may soon be enticed to take the State Highway 130 toll road.

The Texas Department of Transportation is expected to seek Texas Transportation Commission approval in coming months to reduce the truck toll on State Highway 130 by 25 percent. The plan, aimed at incentivizing semitrucks to get off chronically congested I-35 and onto the toll road, will meet mixed reactions from local trucking company leaders.

It’s hoped that reducing the toll, which varies from $16 to $27 for four- to six-axle vehicles to travel the length of SH 130, will reduce ...


An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated the number of trucks that travel in the San Antonio and Austin areas on I-35.