Toll workers pocketed fraudulent refunds

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NTTA: Some workers apparently created fraudulent refunds; total amount missing could be $300,000

By Michael Lindenberger/Reporter  

Dallas Morning News

4:59 PM on Wed., Apr. 13, 2011 | Permalink
NTTA believes some of its IT employees may have created fraudulent refunds and pocketed the money. How many were involved, and when the conduct took place has not yet been revealed.

In a release Wednesday afternoon, NTTA said the authority contacted Plano police when officials learned of the suspicious conduct. NTTA believes that the fraudulent refunds amounted to no more than $300,000, an amount that can be covered by its insurance.

Allen Clemson, the NTTA executive director, said he's outraged by the apparent dishonesty.

"We take our obligation to safeguard our financial systems and customer information very seriously, and NTTA is disturbed that this situation occurred," Clemson said. "We are angry and appalled to learn that a few employees may have ignored their responsibilities to the NTTA and the citizens it serves. The NTTA is assisting law enforcement with its investigation and intends to prosecute all responsible individuals to the fullest extent of the law."

The release said an initial investigation has indicated no customer data has been made vulnerable by the apparent fraud.

Customers with questions can call NTTA at 972-818-6882 or email the authority at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The full press release is on the jump.
NTTA press release follows:


Initial Investigation Confirms Customer Data Remains Secure
PLANO, Texas - April 13, 2011 - The North Texas Tollway Authority recently discovered that a limited number of employees in its information technology group may have misappropriated NTTA funds by creating fraudulent refunds. Upon the discovery of the possible misappropriation, the Plano Police Department was promptly notified and the Authority immediately engaged an external forensic investigation firm. The Authority took additional action, launching an internal investigation and taking measures to maintain the integrity of NTTA customer data.

At this time, there is no indication that any customer information was compromised. The NTTA is working closely with investigators to ensure the matter is resolved expeditiously. If the investigation reveals that any information was compromised or customer account was impacted, any affected parties will be notified immediately. Appropriate personnel action has been taken pending the results of the investigation.

"We take our obligation to safeguard our financial systems and customer information very seriously, and NTTA is disturbed that this situation occurred," said Allen Clemson, NTTA executive director. "We are angry and appalled to learn that a few employees may have ignored their responsibilities to the NTTA and the citizens it serves. The NTTA is assisting law enforcement with its investigation and intends to prosecute all responsible individuals to the fullest extent of the law."

The NTTA and its forensic investigation firm are reviewing all security systems to confirm the extent of the losses. The financial impact is estimated at less than $300,000. NTTA is insured for this type of crime.

Customers with questions can contact the NTTA Customer Service Center at 972-818-NTTA (6882) or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..