NY Comptroller: Proceed with caution on public-private partnerships
No such caution can be found in Texas. It's a public private partnership lovefest down here from the Governor on down...the public interest and affordable travel be scorned.
Comptroller: Proceed with caution on public-private partnerships
By Cara Matthews
June 5, 2013
Strong oversight provisions need to be in place if New York broadens the authority of the state to enter into public-private partnerships or privately finance public projects, state Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli said in a report today that looks at public-private partnerships in other parts of the country.
In December 2011, the state has authorized five state agencies and public authorities to use a simple form of public-private partnership called design-build contracting. The Thruway Authority is using design-build contracting for the new Tappan Zee Bridge, meaning design and construction services are awarded to the same contractor. The approach is expected to streamline the project, shift some financial risk to private contractors and save the Thruway Authority money.