Mileage tax means tracking your every move, using carbon footprint against you
How a mileage tax in the Biden federal highway bill could mean tracking your every move, not to mention the equivalent of a toll for every mile you drive.
Costly and Glitchy: A Taxpayer-Funded Electric Vehicle Odyssey
Biden administration official set out to make a point through her own long road trip
NYC congestion tolling unleashes congestion nightmare
Congestion toll chaos will push commuters to ditch their cars
The Battle to Kill the Kill Switch
What can we do to protect Texas from the radical Left’s overreach that will shut off our ability to drive?

residential permit

  • Link to article here.

    Virginia Restricts Use Of Public Roads In Neighborhoods
    Fairfax County, Virginia to ban drivers from turning onto free public roads based on residency.

    Virginia for the past several years has been turning its freeways into toll roads. A ride on Interstate 66 into Washington, DC, for example can cost as much as $44 one way. Motorists attempting to avoid these fees by taking neighborhood roads could soon be thwarted with a ban on entering certain free, public roads for vehicles that fail to display a special resident permit for that neighborhood.

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