Mileage tax means tracking your every move, using carbon footprint against you
How a mileage tax in the Biden federal highway bill could mean tracking your every move, not to mention the equivalent of a toll for every mile you drive.
NYC congestion tolling unleashes congestion nightmare
Congestion toll chaos will push commuters to ditch their cars
The Battle to Kill the Kill Switch
What can we do to protect Texas from the radical Left’s overreach that will shut off our ability to drive?
Costly and Glitchy: A Taxpayer-Funded Electric Vehicle Odyssey
Biden administration official set out to make a point through her own long road trip


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    Texas Department of Transportation to Create Statewide Network of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

    Anticipating one million electric vehicles on the road by 2028, the state wants to build a network of charging stations starting with interstate routes.

    June 27, 2022, The Texan
    In its “Texas Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Plan” draft released June 12, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) laid out its proposal to create more electric vehicle (EV) charging stations throughout the sta


    According to the draft, it is “a multi-year plan to enable current and future drivers of EVs to confidently travel across the state for work, recreation, and exploration.”

    The idea was conceived after the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act was signed into law by President Biden in November 2021. The federal lawallocated $408 million for Texas to create a network of charging stations.

    The White House also stated that, “Texas will also have the opportunity to apply for the $2.5 billion in grant funding dedicated to EV charging in the bill.”

    According to their schedule in the draft, TxDOT will submit the plan to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) by August 1, 2022 and, pending approval, will submit their solicitation for charging stations by October 1. TxDOT wants to start awarding contracts to build charging stations in January 2023 and continue for the next five years.

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