Now's Our Chance...

...To Get Relief from Excessive Toll Fines!

Our toll collection reform bill, HB 3314, will be up for a hearing next Tuesday, April 20 in the House Transportation Committee. It meets Tuesday, April 20 at 2 PM (or upon the House adjourning from their floor session). We don’t know which room until Thursday due to them moving committees around a bunch due to social distancing. You can look it up online or it’s posted around the capitol each day. We’ll keep you posted.

Our contact at the hearing will be Terri Hall, Director of Texans for Toll-free Highways. Call or text her at (210) 275-0640 (texting is preferred since cell service inside the capitol is poor). Please let her know if you plan to attend and if you’d like to testify. Even if you do not wish to testify, we need people to register in favor and bodies in seats to show support! Parking available at capitol visitor parking garage on San Jacinto between 12th and 13th Streets or at Texas History Museum at 18th and Congress.


Now’s the time to share every nightmare toll bill story. Had a $2.00 toll bill mushroom into $200? Had your vehicle impounded or registration blocked? Been overbilled or had fines tacked on due a payment card expiring or not working and they failed to notify you and instead tacked on thousands in fines and fees?

Come share your stories with the committee. We may never get another chance. We need this voted out of committee ASAP for it to have the time needed to head to the senate and become law.

Spread the word!

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